Robin is clearly incorrect re her "Mary = Regan-from-the-Exorcist" hypothesis. Let us examine the evidence. Mystic Mary has mad staring eyes and extremely long black lank hair. She is obviously the scary killer ghost lady from "The Ring"!!! If she is evicted on Friday, she won’t just go out of the front door and have a chat with Davina – oh no, she will actually crawl out of the telly and stop our hearts with her dread gaze! Therefore it is vitally important that everyone votes for Craig and votes often! Our lives depend on it! (more to the point, Craig is borrrrring and Mary is comedy gold).
In other news, my girl Lesleh has hit upon the unique strategy of only ever talking about breasts. Who has got the biggest breasts? Who has got the fakest breasts? What is the geographical distribution of breast sizes around the nation? Breast breasts breasts breasts breasts. The only time she didn’t talk about breasts was when she was nominating Sam in the diary room. The Buxotic Bruiser said that Sam was an arse and not much else. Clearly she had to go as she was an arse and not BREASTS!!!
This strategy is paying dividends as Lesleh was the only housemate not to be nominated by anyone this week. She is some kind of tictacal genius! (does anyone remember BB2 Helen and her "tictacs"? Bless.)
Go Lesleh! Go Lesleh! etc