Thursday, March 16, 2006

After a fairly slow start to the series we had one of the best ever episodes last night!

1.Lynette finally vanquished her busty boss, but in true “whenever Lynette tries to meddle she fucks things up enormously” fashion, this resulted in half of her firm getting sacked and Lynette getting promoted to Busty’s high stress, free-time destroying management post. Good one Lynette. If I have one complaint it is that they didn’t make enough of the feud between Lynette and Busty – they could have had weeks of fun with them trying to out manoeuvre each other. Even in Melrose Place, where someone could meet a bloke, get married, find out they’re a serial killing sex addict, survive death, have amnesia, be sold into white slavery and then escape in two episodes, they would have dragged out the feud for longer than that.

2. Susan still doesn’t have a decent plotline so they gave her a long lost father. How random and overly-soap–opera-y. If they are going to be that cheesy they could at least have thrown in an Evil Twin too.

3. Gabrielle had a boring plot about a “sexy” lawyer and then finally accepted her pregnancy – of course this meant that she lost the baby in the same episode. Things are looking up though as Carlos is on parole and has made friends with a creepy nun who wants to save Carlos from Gabrielle’s satanic influence. “Stay away from my husband, you little bitch!” “I’ve got God on my side so bring it on!” Excellent! This is a genius idea for an adversary for Gabrielle, if you ignore the cheesy Virgin vs Whore overtones.

4. Bree is still the best one and Marcia Cross has been excellent. She had a fantastic Kimberley-from-Melrose style full on freak out when she discovered Rex’s “I forgive you poisoning me” note (tho sadly did not rip off her wig in the process), had a very creepy drugged sex scene with George and then dumped his ass and blew up his karaoke machine with a shotgun. Bree should wield guns in evening dress every week! Finally everyone worked out that George had thrown the therapist off the flyover (yikes!) and murdered Rex. George ODed to try and emotionally blackmail Bree into liking him again and Bree just sat there and watched him die! Next week - more gay son shenanigans. Hurrah!

5. I would like an update on the Mike/Paul/Zach storyline and also more progress re Alfre Woodard and her axe-murdering son (I think the Shocking Twist will be that the fit son is actually the murderer). Also more scenes of Edie insulting Susan pls thx.

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