Thursday, November 24, 2005


In the “TV Dinners” tradition of getting excited about a TV program that was first on years ago (see Melrose Place…) I started watching 24 Season 3 on Sky 3 the other night! Hurrah, this is the first time I’ve seen it – how I missed Jack Bauer, what with his complete lack of ethics and velvety growl.

What I have learned so far!!

Jack has become a junky whilst “undercover” and is jonesing real bad. He keeps pulling gurny faces and shouting at people because he just wants a fix, god dammit! He has a new partner who is quite good looking in a square headed sort of way. The partner is obviously totally doomed as (a) he is Jack’s partner and (b) he is going out with Kimmeh. I just hope he has a chance to take his shirt off before he is killed by Kimmeh’s idiocy.

People at CTU still say retarded things like “I’m going to check his ID by opening a channel on the secure socket” as though it actually makes some kind of sense.

Kimmeh is now working at CTU. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. She did some gay trick with a computer to prove that she was “competent” but I’ll wait until I see her run across a road before I am truly convinced of that. Also, her new hairdo = hairdon’t

Evil drug barons are going to infect LA with Killer Space Flu unless their brother is released from prison. Over reacting much? Can’t they just intimidate witnesses or raid the prison or something?

Also, if they kill everyone in LA then who is going to buy their drugs??? It just doesn’t seem like good business sense to me and Siralan Sugar would fire you for sure if you tried that on The Apprentice. Anyway, evil main drug baron has a gorgeous pouting wife who is probably going to turn out to a goody (you can tell this because she flinches and makes sad faces whenever her hubby does something EVIL).

President Palmer has a new dull relative and a new foxy lady doctor. I assume that one of these two will turn out to be working for the baddies. Sigh.

Tick… tick…. tick…

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